Oceanography Seminar - Lisa Hahn-Woernle and Tobias Friedrich

March 28, 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building 100

芒鈧揂 high-resolution modeling study of a Western Antarctic Fjord芒鈧 In the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), fjords make up most of the interface between the ocean and the cryosphere and they are hotspots of biological productivity and biodiversity. Aiming to deepen our understanding of a complex and scarcely observed coastal environment, we built a high-resolution numerical model (350 m) of a WAP fjord, Andvord Bay, using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS). As a first step, we aimed to identify the current key drivers and potential future contributors to the upper ocean (<50m) heat content, Hf, of the fjord using the adjoint sensitivity method. Especially in the context of a warming Antarctic, changes of Hf could directly affect primary productivity and melting of icebergs and glacial fronts. We will present results of the sensitivity study with which we could identify key atmospheric forcing and remote water masses impacting Hf, as well as potential consequences for Hf due to future climate warming. The presentation will conclude with an insight into preliminary planktonic ecosystem modeling results achieved with the Carbon, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Lower Trophics (COBALT) marine ecosystem model. 芒鈧揜egional, physical-biogeochemical modeling of the main Hawaiian Islands芒鈧 The oceanic circulation around the main Hawaiian Islands is subject to substantial meso- and submesoscale activity. Using the regional ocean model ROMS and the planktonic ecosystem model COBALT with a 4km resolution, our physical-biogeochemical simulations aim at investigating how meso- and submesoscale processes control the spatial and temporal variability of the marine carbon cycle and the ecosystem. Based on decadal state-estimate reanalysis of the ocean physics, we have recently completed a simulation of the period 2010-2017 using ROMS/COBALT. First model results exhibit promising agreements of numerous biogeochemical parameters simulated by the model and observations at Station ALOHA. We will present a preliminary analysis of the mechanisms driving surface ocean partial pressure of CO2 and we will provide a first outlook on the characteristics of future ocean acidification around the main Hawaiian Islands. *Lisa is finishing her project at SOEST in April and will be moving back to Europe. We therefore invite you all to join us on the MSB lanai at 4:30 pm to talk stories and have some pupus. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Event Sponsor
Department of Oceanography, Manoa Campus, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Angelique White, (808) 956-6220, aewhite@hawaii.edu, , Oceanography Seminar - Lisa Hahn-Woernle and Tobia (PDF)

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