
The UH System

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Frances Davis Award for Undergraduate Teaching 2002-2006 Award Recipients

Davis Award Winner

Mie Hiramoto Sanders, headshot

Mie Hiramoto Sanders

Mie Hiramoto Sanders is a doctoral candidate in linguistics at and this year’s recipient of the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Sanders has an innovative and caring approach to undergraduate instruction. Her teaching philosophy was adapted from teachers who influenced her. She keeps three things in mind: to be as clear, fair and as encouraging as possible.

Her supervisor comments, "I was amazed at what exceptional rapport she had with the 30-odd students in her class. Very few experienced teachers would have been able to handle a class that size better than, or even as well as she did. She was passionate about the subject matter, and got the students very much involved in thinking about it."

The Frances Davis Award for Undergraduate Teaching recognizes dedication and demonstrated excellence as teachers of undergraduate students. It was established as a memorial to the late Frances Davis, who taught mathematics at Leeward Community College and UH Manoa for 19 years.

Select a recipient for more about that individual, or view the most recent winners.


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