ORE Seminar: Numerical wave modeling for Pacific Islands

January 10, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Bilger Hall 150

Hawaii is typical of most Pacific Islands with a complex wave climate containing a mix of persistent trade wind seas, year-round south swells, seasonal north swells, and storm waves from subtropical and tropical cyclones passing nearby. The steep volcanic islands modulate the wind fields to create regional wave patterns with large spatial variation. Wave-rider buoys were installed around the island to provide real-time measurement of ocean conditions. The buoy measurements are valuable and considered as ground truth, but are limited to sparse locations with irregular data gaps over time. The buoy measurement is best complemented by numerical wave modeling for a complete description of the complex wave conditions around the islands. We develop a numerical wave model system based on the third-generation spectral wave models WAVEWATCH III and SWAN on a suite of nested grids from the globe to the islands to resolve wave generation, propagation, and transformation from the open ocean to the shore. The model system was integrated into a storm surge modeling package for coastal inundation mapping in Hawaii. We also operate the wave model system to produce daily 7-day and 14-day wave forecasts for the US and affiliated Pacific Islands. The operational wave forecast provides useful information for maritime operations, coastal runup prediction, and marine recreation. The wave model system was further implemented to provide long-term wave hindcast for energy resources development, coastal ecosystem study, infrastructure designs, and shoreline change investigation. Recently, we have used the wave hindcast to investigate the impact of global climate cycles on coastal wave activities, and had some interesting findings. Ning Li, Ph.D. Ocean Wave Model Systems Specialist Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering University of Hawai鈥檌 at 惭腻苍辞补 Location Information **This seminar will be held both in person (Bilger Hall 150) and over Zoom** https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/95081858686 Meeting ID: 950 8185 8686 Passcode: OREseminar

Event Sponsor
Ocean and Resources Engineering, Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-7572,

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