Summer Bash

July 19, 11:30am - 2:30pm
West Oʻahu Campus, UH West Oahu

All UHWO students are invited to attend our first ever Summer Bash Experience at the University of Hawai驶i West O驶ahu! In collaboration with Kauluh膩weo Native Hawaiian Student Success Programs and , this event is being put on just for you! We are celebrating your accomplishments over the past school year and summer. It is no small accomplishment to continue pursuing higher education so we all want to get excited for the start of the new school year. As University of Hawai驶i - West O驶ahu students, there is so much to celebrate and be proud of. We hope to see you there!

UH West O驶ahu
Outdoor Learning Space & Great Lawn

This event will host inflatable slip n驶 slides, water slides, and other water or field activities. Thank you to our generous sponsors ASUHWO Student Government who, in addition to rentals, are providing shave ice and cotton candy to all UHWO fee paying students.

Event Sponsor
Kauluh膩weo Native Hawaiian Student Success Programs, West Oʻahu Campus

More Information
Christielove Espinosa, 808-689-2938,

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