テ税クテ青セテ堕テ青クテ青エテ青オテ青サテ青コテ青ク: Niklaus Schweizer

November 21, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Moore 252

UH Manoa Professor Niklaus Schweizer, speaks about Russian Fort Elizabeth in Kauai and his trip to Moscow, where he informed the Russian public, at the highest level, about his research on this historic Fort and on the history of Wuropeans in Hawaii. Please join us for this riveting talk along with tea (テ鯛。テ青ーテ青ケ), cookies (テ青ソテ青オテ鯛。テ青オテ青ステ打津青オ), great conversation (テ青クテ青ステ鯛堙青オテ鯛ぎテ青オテ堕テ青ステ青ーテ堕 テ青アテ青オテ堕テ青オテ青エテ青ー), and extra credit (テ堕催青コテ堕テ鯛堙鯛ぎテ青ー テ青コテ鯛ぎテ青オテ青エテ青クテ鯛)!

Event Sponsor
Russian Department (LLEA), Mānoa Campus

More Information
Katarina Tatomirovic, (831) 236-6032, Kt29@hawaii.edu,

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