Marine Alien Species in Hawai芒鈧渋: An Overview

February 27, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Waikiki Aquarium

Join us for this two part seminar by Scott Godwin a biologist with DLNR-DAR and Julie Kuo the Hawaii Ballast Water & Hull Fouling Coordinator during Invasive Species Awarness Week.

Tuesday, Febuary 27th, 2018
3:30pm-4:30pm in the Waikiki Aquarium Classroom

Marine Alien Species in Hawai芒鈧渋: An Overview presented by Scott Godwin

The topic of marine alien species is not as familiar to the public as issues for terrestrial systems in Hawai芒鈧渋. There has been a great deal of work focusing on the baseline data for alien species in the marine environment and these efforts are proving to support management actions throughout the archipelago. Beginning in the late 1990芒鈧劉s efforts were begun to determine what alien species are present, what where their transport vectors and then use this information to inform the scientific and resource management community. These baseline efforts showed the importance of non-traditional vectors associated with maritime commerce, such as vessel biofouling and marine debris, as opposed to a primary focus on ballast water. Continued efforts have shed light on the effects of these vectors on the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and how natural disasters, such as the 2011 Japan Tsunami, can have potential impacts on our archipelago. An overview of baseline research that has led to the development of management actions and policies will be presented.

Preventing the introduction and transfer of aquatic alien species in Hawai脢禄i presented by Julie Kuo

Aquatic invasive species have been known to carry potential environmental and socioeconomic implications like the cholera epidemic in South America that affected human health and invasive algae in Kaneohe Bay that affected many coral habitats. Currently, the Hawaiian Archipelago possesses nearly the equivalent number of established aquatic alien species as compared to all the states combined in the Continental US芒鈧漚pproximately 400 (Hawaii) vs. 450 (Continental US) aquatic alien species. A recent study has indicated that the top two vectors of aquatic alien algae and invertebrate introductions into the State are associated with unmanaged ballast water discharge and vessel biofouling. This talk will summarize the proactive measures that DLNR is taking to minimize new aquatic alien introductions into the State as well as the transfer among neighboring islands.

Ticket Information

Event Sponsor
Waikiki Aquarium , Mānoa Campus

More Information
Volunteer Center, (808) 440-9020,,

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