"Most Likely to Succeed" with Exec. Producer, Ted Dintersmith

February 22, 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Art Building Auditorium

The nationally acclaimed documentary film "Most Likely To Succeed" tells the story of the "engaged learning" movement that is revolutionizing classroom education across the country. The film's producer Ted Dintersmith will be present and will lead an informative discussion following the film. Attendance is free but registration is required via .

The film will be shown on the UH Manoa Campus at the Art Building and hosted in conjunction with:

  • UH Office of Sustainability
  • UHM School of Ocean and Earth Science Technology (SOEST)
  • UHM College of Education
  • UHM Office of Public Health Studies
  • UHM Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
  • UHM School of Architecture
  • East-West Center's Asia PacificEd Program
  • Hawaii Affiliate of ASCD (HASCD)
  • School for Examining Essential Questions of Sustainability (SEEQS)

Since its 2015 Sundance premier, "Most Likely To Succeed" () has brought thousands of communities together for inspired discussions on the future of our schools. Please stay, after the film, for a critical conversation about what we can do, individually and collectively, to move education forward.

A sustainably sourced "healthy bite to eat" will be available prior to the film at no charge. Please bring your own water flasks as we strive to make this a zero waste event!

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Ticket Information
Tickets are FREE. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/most-likely-to-succeed-at-uh-manoa-with-exec-producer-ted-dintersmith-tickets-29289845717

Event Sponsor
Many sponsors , Mānoa Campus

More Information
Jenny Engels, (808) 956-7424, engels@hawaii.edu

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