China Seminar public talk

April 13, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Moore 319 (Tokioka Room)

Wed, 4/13

Ronald Brown, Professor of Law, Richardson School of Law, UHM

芒鈧揅hina芒鈧劉s Workers Without Benefits: Holes in the Labor Safety Net芒鈧

Millions of workers in China are not afforded the rights and benefits of its labor and employment laws and thus are not 芒鈧搘orkers with benefits.芒鈧 China芒鈧劉s labor reforms and worker 芒鈧搒afety net芒鈧 have come so far in the past 30 years producing 芒鈧搘orkers with benefits,芒鈧 so why are there still millions of workers in the urban sector who do not have the protections of these labor and employment law reforms and thereby are the 芒鈧搘orkers without benefits,芒鈧 falling outside the labor safety net? They have been called precarious, atypical, irregular, contingent, and include casual, temporary, part-time, dispatch, and workers called subcontractors, and independent contractors, which may include construction workers, students, domestic workers, and the many other workers in informal employment relationships. They fall outside the legal protections of the labor laws; or, they may be covered, but excluded or exempted or misclassified. This situation of precarious workers occurs not only in China, but globally, and it has not gone unnoticed by the ILO. This presentation has particular focus regarding vocational students , construction workers, and domestic workers.

Event Sponsor
Center for Chinese Studies and Confucius Institute at UHM, Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-8891

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