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Last modified May 11, 2024
The Student Sustainability Council at UH engages students in sustainability-related initiatives going on across the UH system.
At this meeting we will discuss upcoming Earth events and ways to get involved in sustainability on campus. Come share your ideas for future activities!
Everyone is welcome! Snacks and drinks provided for all attendees. Register or join our to hear about upcoming events.
Event Sponsor
Office of Sustainability, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Arby Barone, 8085948392, rbarone@hawaii.edu
Tuesday, October 8 |
10:00am |
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Resource Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
12:00pm |
Effective Communication and Difficult Conversations Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
1:00pm |
Cellular & Molecular Biology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, MEB 315 / https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/96642866847 Meeting ID: 966 4286 6847 Passcode: 694318
4:30pm |
Student Sustainability Council Meeting Mānoa Campus, Gilmore Hall 212
5:00pm |
驶IE HOLO 膾 Mānoa Campus, Hawaiian and Pacific Collections Reading Room, 5th Floor, Hamilton Library, 2550 McCarthy Mall