
The UH System

Who We Are

Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Davis Award Winner

Joyce Yamada, headshot

Joyce Yamada

Joyce Yamada is the program coordinator and assistant professor for the dental assisting program at UH Maui College.

Born and raised in Waihe‘e, Maui, she is a passionate advocate for dental health. She has helped launch important community initiatives like the Dental Kits For Maui’s Babies and the Keep Your Smile! Dental Packets for Seniors projects and currently serves the Maui County Dental Hygienists’ Association as vice president, and the American Dental Education Association as dental assisting section chair-elect.

When she’s not busy making sure everyone’s brushed (and flossed) their teeth properly, you’ll find her facilitating faculty development on campus and online through the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges system Scenarios: Teaching for Learning course.

Joyce is also a Generation VIII Wo Learning Champion and a recent graduate of the Hi‘ilei Aloha (Ford Foundation leadership course).

The Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes dedication and demonstrated excellence as teachers of undergraduate students. It was established as a memorial to the late Frances Davis, who taught mathematics at Leeward Community College and UH Manoa for 19 years.

Current Winners
Go to for stories on the latest honorees.

2002 – 2015 Honorees
2012–2015 | 2007–2011 | 2002–2006.


Corey Adler, headshot
Corey Adler
Anne Chung, headshot
Anne Chung
LaVache Scanlan, headshot
LaVache Scanlan

Past winners from 2007–2011 and 2002–2006.